On Sat, 29 Oct 2005, David Wall wrote:

> Is there any practical limit to the number of webapps I can run in a 
> single instance of TC 5.5?  We would like to use TC 5.5 to support a 
> large number of custom web apps developed for others who then want us to 
> also host that web app (some will host themselves, but most are small 
> enough that they'd want to use our secure/https web server).  By putting 
> each customer into its own web app, we can deploy/undeploy each web app 
> without affecting the others, which is really wonderful.
> Is there any practical limit?  Will it support 10, 100, 1000 web apps?  
> Are there any resource leaks or other issues I need to be aware of?  
> Each web app will likely be pretty small (2-10 web pages), with some 
> having its own database while others having no database.

There are known problems with deploying the same application several 
times. Tomcat is unable to unload webapp's classloader completely. For 
example, it takes only ten deploys of our struts+hibernate webapp to 
take Tomcat down. On the other hand, the same webapp can run even days 
without affecting the container.

Mikolaj Rydzewski
Becomo SA

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