Yes, that was the problem.
The PermSpace was Full, the we get an OutOfMemoryError.
Thanks to you.

-- anna

BTW: Does someone know a good source about the content
  of the permspace. I read the sun-document, but there are only
  a few line about class and method-objects. In another place
  I read about internalized Strings, which will be held in that

2005/11/2, Anna Seekamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Thanks Peter,
> We will run the tomcat with:
>  -XX:+PrintGCDetails
> in order to see the PermGen-Size
> -- anna
> 2005/11/2, Peter Crowther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > > From: Anna Seekamp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > > The jvm (1.4.2 Suse-Linux) starts with:
> > > >  -server -Xmx1500m -Xms1500ms
> > > >
> > > > We have 9 webapps.
> > > > One webapp has 50% load.
> > > > The other share the rest.
> > > > If we put 7 webapps online, we
> > > > ran into problems. After a few hours we get OutOfMemoryErrors. The
> > > > tomcat crashes an we get no response. But there isn't a
> > > heavy load (<
> > > > 1). There isn't OutOfMemory (the last Runtime.freeMemory():
> > > 1,3 GB) The
> > > > Thread-Dump of the crashed server is unspecific. Most threads are
> > > > waiting on findBundle in CoyoteConnector.createRequest().
> > > >
> > > > Are there any suggestions. Everything is welcome!
> > > > I don't know where to look. Threads, Sockets, Memory (is
> > > there a problem
> > > > with Runtime.freeMemory)
> >
> > 1. Check the PermGen usage - are you slowly loading more classes in
> > until the default (64M I think) PermGen is exhausted?
> > Runtime.freeMemory doesn't take into account the separation between
> > PermGen and the other generations.
> >
> > 2. Java has a distressing habit of throwing out of memory errors when it
> > runs out of any resources, including file descriptors or sockets.
> > You'll have one heck of a log file to analyse, but as a last ditch
> > effort I'd try running a system call tracer on the process and look for
> > failed calls.
> >
> > However, I'm a novice in these areas.  I've no doubt you'll get better
> > advice from those more experienced with large production apps.
> >
> >                - Peter
> >
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