
Have you looked into writing an Ant task to do this for you?


On Nov 3, 2005, at 9:19 AM, Kurt Overberg wrote:

Hello All, I'm currently running mid-sized website (load balanced across five servers). Its a fairly large web application with a front and a back-end. In production, the application is sitting exploded in a directory which tomcats point at. It looks rather like a development sandbox. I do this because our web people need to modify the content (JSPs) of the website on a fairly regular basis. Right now, they can just "cvs update" the webapp directory and things work great.

However, this is a bit of a deployment nightmare. Everytime I need to push out a new version of the core servlets, I have to manually update each and every sandbox on each server. I would MUCH rather use a .war file to deploy to each server and let tomcat deal with things (since the website is really starting to grow). Is there any way to deploy a .war file and then let people modify the JSPs in it? Complicating things is that we use CVS for everything, and new JSPs make their way to the site via a cvs update.

Right now, it seems like everytime someone changed a JSP, I'd have to re-deploy the entire thing, when really its just a few JSPs that have changed. The web guys update the site an average of 10-20 times per day.

Any suggestions? Seems like this would be a pretty common problem, but I've found nothing on google, et al. Do I have to move to some sort of content management system, where the servlets and JSPs remain static and the data comes from a DB?

Thanks for any help or suggestions!


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