On Monday, 28 בNovember 2005 19:59, Mieke Banderas wrote:
> are there any javabased DB alternatives, that may perform better than
> MySQL (or PostgreSQL for that matter)? I prefer free, open sourced
> DBs or otherwise with a license that could fit a small business/non
> profit organisation.

HSQLdb (formerly known as Hypersonic SQL) and Apache Derbi (formerly 
knows as cloudscape DB) are two Pure Java databases, which are free and 
open source, and at least the first can run "in memory" in the JVM. As 
for faster performing ? I think you'd be hard pressed to find something 
better performing then MySQL and Postgres. Might want to try firebird, 
though I wouldn't get your hopes up.

> I don't enough of JVMs to know if Javabased DBs are usually better
> performancewise than MySQL/PostgreSQL, 

I can't really see how it could be, and my experience indeed shows the 

> but my thought was that if 
> everything is kept within the JVM, the weak performance spots in OS X
> would be minimized as threads would be handled within JVM rather than
> within OS X. Threads being being the prime suspect in the weak MySQL
> performance in OS X according Anandtech.

I'm not sure why do they think that, and I haven't read the entire 
article yet, but I doubt you'd get better performance from an internal 
DB then from a standalone highly optimized full RDBMs.

Oded Arbel
m-Wise mobile solutions

+972-9-9611212 (204)

The marvels of today's modern technology include the development of a 
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