> Why does Tomcat say that there is no web.xml when it is in the war file 
> when
> I unzip it???

> partial server.xml:
> <Host name=".." appBase="fc_webapps" unpackWARs="true"
> deployOnStartup="true" autoDeploy="false" xmlValidation="true">

>Have you always had xmlValidation set to true or did you change that 

I have been banging my head against the wall with this virtualhost+ROOT 
stuff for 14 hours now, so I was just trying it out.

>There have been some threads about xml validation recently.  Since it
>sounds like Tomcat is unhappy with your web.xml file, I would try
>turning validation off and see what happens.

Good question. Although the web.xml has been working without any problems 
for at least a month, I gave it a shot at a validator, which complained 
about the xsi:schemaLocation definition being wrong, so I fixed that. Now I 
am stuck with a bunch of validation errors in the two Sun XSD files...... So 
I couldn't say if the web.xml actually validates.

Even if it is somewhat broken a NullPointerException and a complaint about a 
missing web.xml would be kinda misleading, wouldn't you say.


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