Thanks for the advice mate.

I did indeed have an empty Context tag. Changing it didn't make the Missing 
application web.xml message go away though.

I guess I will have to upgrade to 5.5.12 tomorrow.

"Rob Hills" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i en meddelelse 
> Hi Henrik,
> On 4 Dec 2005 at 3:33, hv @ Fashion Content wrote:
>> Sigh :(
>> Gawd I hate changing Tomcat configurations, it always goes pearshaped.
>> Why does Tomcat say that there is no web.xml when it is in the war
>> file when I unzip it???
>> And how come the default behaviour is to show the contents of the
>> hosts app base ???
>> Tomcat 5.5.9 on FC2
>> partial server.xml:
>> <Host name=".." appBase="fc_webapps" unpackWARs="true"
>> deployOnStartup="true" autoDeploy="false" xmlValidation="true">
>> context.xml:
>> <Context docBase="ROOT" reloadable="true"></Context>
>> I have tried dropping the war in app base and restart the server. I
>> have tried deploying using the manager app.
>> Regardless it doesn't unpack the war, and either throws a nullpointer
>> exception or states that web.xml is missing
>> Que?
> I had this one trouble me for some time until I worked out that it wasn't 
> actually the web.xml file that was the problem, but rather my
> context.
> A couple of suggestions/things to watch out for:
> 1. Try a self-closing Context tag, ie <Context docBase="ROOT" 
> reloadable="true"/> or else put something "substantial"
> between your opening and closing tags (ie not just a comment).  I think 
> this problem may have been fixed with Tomcat 5.5.12, but in
> an earlier version, I definitely found that Tomcat would not accept the 
> <Context ..></Context> format if there was nothing
> "substantial" between the opening and closing tags.  That one gave me 
> exactly the error you are seeing now so it took me a while to
> work out what was going on.
> 2. Make sure there's only one "context" file/fragment in your WAR file.  I 
> have found that some versions of Tomcat are pretty
> good at ferreting out Context fragments from WAR files, even if they're 
> not in the appropriate area (META-INF folder).  I had buried in
> my WAR tree (buried several levels deep in the WEB-INF directory actually) 
> a context file that my deployment process would parse
> in order to produce the "production version" in META-INF.  Because it 
> contained some tokens that were substituted by the
> deployment process, that precursor file was of course an invalid context. 
> Until I had the deployment process exclude this file from
> my WAR file, I would get exactly the error you describe above whenever I 
> tried to deploy.
> HTH,
> Rob Hills
> NetPaver Pty Ltd
> Western Australia 

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