Thanks for all of the suggestions.

I don't think I've explained my situation clearly. What I would like to do, but maybe this is not a good idea, is to have the static content and dynamic content appear to be in the same directory; i.e., have the same base url.

In my jk.conf file I have

   JkMount         /printing01/*.jsp               ajp13

If I type into the web browser's address box xyz.jsp, that goes to tomcat, and if I type in xyz.html that goes to apache. That's what I want.

The problem is if the output of xyz.jsp has the line

   <!--#include virtual="/header.html"-->

apache doesn't process that include line.

If I go into the apache httpd.conf file and fix the SSI lines so that it should do SSI for jsp files, like the following:

   AddType text/html .jsp
   AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .jsp
   AddHandler server-parsed .jsp

Then when I try and bring up xyz.jsp I get a 404 not found.

I don't see how using SSI in tomcat would help since the static content is in the apache htdocs directory.

I also can't switch everything over to tomcat because we have some php scripts.

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