I've written a simple servlet that acts as a proxy server to record and
playback web pages.  It works well for http requests (I'm able to cache all
files for a web page), but I cannot seem to get it to work with https pages
or files.

In IE I set the proxy server settings to "localhost" and the port to 8080.

I've tried putting in "localhost" and port 8443 for Secure.  I've also tried
the checkbox for "Use Proxy Server for all protocols".

I've followed the directions from the Tomcat documention for enabling SSL -
uncommenting the block in the server.xml file and creating the key.  By
description, it should work, but doGet in my servlet never gets called.

I do not know if the problem is in my Tomcat settings or my IE settings.

Any suggestions would be most welcome - I'm really stumped.  I'll provide
any details suggested, the code is really pretty simple...


David Stidolph
Austin, TX

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