> Hi all.
> (Tomcat 5.5.4. on WinXP)
> Bought a network disc yesteraday (LaCie 500Gb), connected it to my network 
> and thought I could put my tiny jsp-based site there. I mapped the disc to 
> w:\ and started to fiddle with my server.xml. Started out with this one:
> <Host name="localhost" appBase="w:/webapps"
>        unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true"
>        xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
> Which doesn´t work very well. I get a nasty 
> "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base w:\webapps does not exist 
> or is not a readable directory" back. The w:\webapps is accessible both from 
> Win Explorer and also from my tiny java testcase which also reports both 
> read/write ability (just wanted to make sure java was able to read from the 
> disc at all). I also tried to specify the appBase in URL-syntax like 
> "file://w:/webapps" (I think the docs says something about "specify the 
> URL...") but that didn´t work at all as it did append the url to the 
> tomcat_home path (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base 
> C:\web\Tomcat5.5\file:\w:\webapps\ does not exist or is not a readable 
> directory). If I specify a appBase outside tomcat_home but on the same disc 
> as tomcat_home, say c:\tmp\webapps, everything works like a treat. So, whats 
> wrong with my new LaCie disc? A beer in Stockholm to anyone who helps me!
> Best regards
> Svante

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