> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Of Bill Barker
> > Sent: Thursday, December 29, 2005 2:09 AM
> > To: users@tomcat.apache.org
> > Subject: Re: mod_jk versus mod_proxy under load ?
> > 
> > One of our production servers recently started to
> suffer from very
> > heavy performance troubles under load : the
> current setup is apache2 +
> > mod_jk/ajp13 + tomcat5.0.25, jdk 1.4.2, 1GB
> (Xmx/Xms to 640MB) 
This will not limit the entire memory used by the
process.  Your Perm space is not limited by mx what so
ever.  Search for 
":Perm" +java
on google.  You may already know this.

>on a
> > dual 2.4Ghz Xeon server. The maximum amount of
> requests/sec reached is
> > around 15req/sec under production load, and I'd
> like to hit something
How many threads are allowed?  What are you doing
inside of your web pages? What technologies are you
using?  Have you profiled your application?  Where are
your bottleknecks?
> > between 30 and 40req/sec, unfortunately, mod_cache
> is not really an
> > option for our current hosting company.

Then with mod_proxy:
Proxy works good for different things.  You can round
robin or you can defer certain client requests to this
or that server.  We did this thing one time (no I
didn't say at band camp) where we were able to push
www.whatever.com/client1 */client2 */client3 to one
server and */client4 */client5 and */client6 to this
other server.  That worked well at limiting traffic on
the individual servers, but the scheme you go with
depends on customer usage.  The good part is the
request to the user looks the same and goes to a
single domain where as you use apache to split the
requests off to other servers.  I setup a separate
Apache all together for the mod_proxy machine, so it
wouldn't get bogged down and be a bottle kneck trying
to do two things.  Apache won't even try to process
the request past where it is needing to be relayed
depending on your processing rules in your conf file,
so you can really move the load around with mod_proxy.
 I think for sessions and stuff to work right if you
round robin you'll have to use clustering in tomcat or
use some type of a database session store (depends
then on will this become a bottle kneck).  If you push
this or that client here or there...depending on what
you're doing clustering won't matter because the same
users will be hitting the same server in the end.

In either case you really can't use a mod_jk vs.
mod_proxy mentality.  They both will be working
together.  I may have missed something in the question


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