marju jalloh ha scritto:
>  Hi everyone
>   I`m using Tomcat 4.1.* on Linux .All my servlet and jsp work fine including 
> the interaction with mysql database.
>   Now I want to test a simple Bean but my jsp cannont find the Bean.
>   Where to place the jsp file?
>   How to direct the jsp file where to find the bean?
>     <jsp:useBean id="stringBean" class="Hello" />
>   I used this but it did not find the bean
I am using 5.x and I have no problem with the beans.

Put the class in WEB-INF/classes
if the fully qualified name is com.try.Bean
put it in WEB-INF/classes/com/try/

then in JSP use
<jsp:useBean id="stringBean" class="com.try.Bean" />

it works for me

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