
This is the benefit of using an OOA/OOD framework!
you COULD setup a scenario such as

MyServlet extends BaseServlet (which may handle dynamic resources)
BaseServlet extends DefaultServlet (which may handle static resources)
DefaultServlet handles everything else

here is an example where servlet(s) which extend DefaultServlet handle constructing Queries OR accessing meta-data

I hope this helps you,

Sverige Altid!
Martin --

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ken Johanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 12:35 AM
Subject: Re: Unable to override doPut(), etc, from Tomcat's JSPServlet (response 403)

There's a comment in the web.xml settings for the default servlet:

<!-- readonly  Is this context "read only", so HTTP -->
<!--           commands like PUT and DELETE are     -->
<!--           rejected?  [true]                    -->

Is there any possibility that you're actually getting into the default
servlet rather than your own?

 - Chuck

Yes Sir, that was the answer!! It works in write-mode now.

Apparently that setting must be made on the DefaultServlet. I didn't think it would be required since I'm not 'defaulting' per se to that servlet, and based on its description (below) - I'd figured that declaring that readonly=false init param should work as an init config to JspServlet, though it did not. I'd misjudged the role of the DefaultServlet..

I guess the part that threw me (and may deserve some clarification / emphasis since there's a security context controlled by it) was the part where it says:

"The default servlet for all web applications, that serves static resources. It processes all requests that are not mapped to other servlets with servlet mappings (defined either here or in your own web.xml file"

The possibly misleading parts are "serves static resources" (should be "static and dynamic"?) and "processes requests not mapped to another servlet with servlet mappings" (but JspServlet is handling jsps, yet depends on this).. Should these observations be forwarded on to some particular tomcat developer?

Again, thank you _very_ much for the pointer to DefaultServlet!!


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