i'd copied the classes12.zip from C:\jdbc\lib. there's no folder of ORACLE_HOME.
now,what else to be done?
i'm sending you my JSP page. kindly tell me what code should be written/added to execute it successfully.
i'd created the table named as user1 in oracle 8.0 and inserted some values in it.
the name of the database in which this table is been created is prime.

Anto Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 1/18/06, gupta vidhi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> i've JDBC installed in other path than Tomcat.you asked me to put the JDBC driver library into WEB-INF\lib. there's WEB-INF directory,but it do not have lib as its sub directory.what can be done for this?
> kindly tell me how to do the path setti ng of JDBC with JSP.
> i'd made a page in JSP,but when executing its generating error as:
> javax.servlet.ServletException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
> and so on.
> kindly tell how to connect my JSP page with JDBC.

A JDBC tutorial is here

Don't use JDBC-ODBC bridge. From the error message it seems that
it is using JDBC-ODBC bridge.
You will get the JDBC driver from ORACLE_HOME\jdbc\lib. For 8i the
file will be classes12.zip. Create a lib directory in WEB-INF
directory. Tomcat is case sensitive and lib must be in small letters.
Copy classes12.zip to WEB-INF\lib and rename it to classes12.jar. Now
to connect to database use the JDBC URL like
jdbc:oracle:thin:hr/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:1521:orcl.

Don't for to restart Tomcat after putting the JAR file in WEB-INF\lib.

The Oracle installation provides some sample Java code. Look in
jdbc folder for it.

Anto Paul

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