You're right Tony, this posting is painfully off-topic for this list. Perhaps along with your new C# programming skills you can get work as an advertising writer for Microsoft.

But, having said that, I would like to point out that Microsoft dumps a lot of money into researching and developing creature-features in their products, and developer "hand-holding." Which is why you see the features you do. It's worthwhile to do a side-by-side features comparison and take advantage of Microsoft's investment into features development, and be aware of what features might attracts developers to a particular servlett platform like Tomcat.

But, the bottom line with the Microsoft development tools, which I pay closely attention to myself, is that what you get in creature comforts you trade for in licensing fees and flexibility. That makes the "perceived advantage" you see is Microsoft products short lived - much shorter than the end-of-life cycle for Visual Studio.

You might also consider that a skilled team with paper and pencil can develop and maintain Tomcat deployed applications that rival anything you can make with Visual Studio....... and at less cost overall.

Richard Schilling

Tony LaPaso wrote:
> Hi all,
> I should mention that this post is a bit off topic. If you hate
> Microsoft then stop reading now and I'm sorry for wasting your time. I
> don't own stock in Microsoft, I don't know Bill Gates and nobody paid me

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