On 1/24/06, Akoulov, Alexandre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'd appreciate if you could help with the following problem.
> In our environment apache 1.3.33 acts as a web server that dispatches certain 
> requests to tomcat 5.5. What we're currently trying to achieve is to make 
> apache handle errors that come from tomcat (eg, if tomcat throws 404 Not 
> Found error let apache display the appropriate html page).
> We've used ErrorDocument directive in apache to specify what html pages to 
> show for different errors:
> ErrorDocument 400 /forbidden.html
> ErrorDocument 401 /unauthorised.html
> ErrorDocument 403 /forbidden.html
> ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
> ErrorDocument 500 /server_error.html
> The problem is that apache does not override errors that come from tomcat but 
> rather propagates them to the client (web browser). Eg, if the user has 
> requested the resource that does not exist in tomcat he/she gets "HTTP Status 
> 404 - ..." page generated by tomcat while we're expecting it to be overridden 
> by apache with the missing.html page.
> Any ideas on what's happening?
> Kind regards,
> Sasha.

I think the Apache ErrorDocuments only apply to errors generated
within Apache. For Tomcat errors, Apache is just acting as a proxy and
returning whatever response page that Tomcat generated.

You can customize Tomcat's error pages by putting <error-page>
declarations in web.xml.

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