--- Davide Romanini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Il giorno mer, 25/01/2006 alle 15.34 +0000, Mike
> Fowler ha scritto:
> > Good day,
> > 
> > I have encountered a similar problem while
> deploying webapps. In my case 
> > I noticed that after the sixth deployment I would
> encounter 
> > OutOfMemoryError when I tried to use the
> application. After trawling the 
> > archives and running the tomcat jvm with the
> -XX:+PrintGCDetails option 
> > I discovered that I run out of PermSpace. Reading
> this posting
> >
> from 
> > Rodrigo Ruiz I discover that the memory leak is
> caused by static classes 
> > (aka Singletons) that are dotted all over support
> jars in my classpath. 
> > For me to solve my problem I would need to go on
> one hell of an 
> > anti-singleton crusade, and tempting as it, is I
> haven't the time. 
> > Perhaps this is the cause of your problems as
> well?
> > 
> > Kind regards,
> > 
> It's a known problem caused by a lot of different
> situations. It's sad
> that a lot of important applications suffer of this
> problem. I'm working
> with Axis, and just trying to reload the bundled
> webapp never release
> the old WebappClassloader.
> I think this is serious: hot deployment becomes
> totally useless and you
> have to restart tomcat each time you deploy a new
> version :-(
> Bye,
> Davide Romanini

Don't use shared libraries and you shouldn't have this
problem.  If all of the statics are in your WEB-INF
directory then you won't have an issue with unloading
classes and class loaders.


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