-----Original Message-----
From: David Thielen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, February 01, 2006 11:35 AM
To: tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Desperate for help with isapi_redirect.dll



As I understand it, you want the jk version 1.2.x NOT jk2. jk2 was a splitter 
effort that sputtered.

As for your IIS log file problem, I have the same problem. We working with web 
trends to try to get the to be able to read the Apache log format from Tomcat.

I am presuming you are running your app locally or at least on the same server 
as IIS. Correct? It does not appear your Tomcat is listening on port 8009. Are 
you sure it is started and stays up? Do you have a firewall on the machine that 
may be hosing the connections?


Is there anyone on this list that know isapi_redirect? I have this bad
feeling that there is only 1 person who knows this code (the one who wrote
it) and that he/she is not on this list. If I have to pay for support that's
fine but I really need to get this answered (or we'll be forced to switch to
WebLogic and that's a giant PITA).

1.      Where is the latest isapi_redirect.dll & documentation? (There are
several of both on the apache website and it's not clear which is the most
recent. What I thought was the most recent documentation has dead links so
I'm guessing that is not it.)
2.      When demo.faces is requested from my website, it is displayed in the
IIS logfile. On a submit of that form demo_license.faces is requested and
watching the http requests, a request is sent to IIS for demo_license.faces.
However, that request is never displayed in the IIS logfile.
(demo_license.faces does have a link to windward.css and the IIS logfile
does show that request and shows demo_license.faces as the page requesting
it.) How do I get this request to display in the log file? We need it for
our web tracking software.
3.      I consistently get the following in the isapi_redirect.log file
(removed duplicates):

[Fri Jan 27 12:40:39 2006] [error] HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c
(1029): could not get a worker for name ajp13

[Fri Jan 27 13:53:06 2006] [info]  ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1178):
Socket 616 is not connected any more (errno=-1)

[Fri Jan 27 13:53:06 2006] [info]  ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1225):
All endpoints are disconnected or dead

[Fri Jan 27 13:53:06 2006] [info]  ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (1749):
Sending request to tomcat failed,  recoverable operation attempt=1

[Fri Jan 27 13:53:07 2006] [info]  jk_open_socket::jk_connect.c (444):
connect to failed with errno=61

[Fri Jan 27 13:53:07 2006] [info]  ajp_connect_to_endpoint::jk_ajp_common.c
(889): Failed opening socket to ( with (errno=61)

[Fri Jan 27 13:53:07 2006] [info]  ajp_send_request::jk_ajp_common.c (1248):
Error connecting to the Tomcat process.

[Fri Jan 27 13:53:08 2006] [error] ajp_service::jk_ajp_common.c (1758):
Error connecting to tomcat. Tomcat is probably not started or is listening
on the wrong port. worker=ajp13w failed 

[Fri Jan 27 13:53:08 2006] [error] HttpExtensionProc::jk_isapi_plugin.c
(1022): service() failed


Help please - thanks - dave



David Thielen

 <http://www.windwardreports.com> www.windwardreports.com



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