You might consider the necessity of using port 8080 as well - client-side
firewalls might block it, it is non-standard, and probably hard-coded
everywhere along side the IP address.  You can run Tomcat on port 80 (see
the archives of this list--it has been discussed recently), or front with
httpd (apache) and mod_proxy / mod_jk if (not strictly necessary, although
it is still widely done.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Hartung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2006 12:36 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat5.15 basic setup question

  Think I have it.  I'll test it out tomorrow.


Parsons Technical Services wrote:
> Bob,
> Not a very good application if they are doing that. Hard coding things
> such as IP addresses is just asking for headaches.
> I take it that you have a link or a button with an action that is
> sending you to the desired page.
> Remove the ""; and simply leave the 
> "Login" in place. If you need to move up a step on the content you can 
> use ../ in front of the desire destination or add the folder to move 
> down a level.
> Now to unravel the confusion.
> If at the root of the app:
> href="test.jsp" will link you to the jsp page test in the root of the 
> app. href="night/select.jsp" will link you to the select jsp in the 
> folder called night that is in the root. Once in the night folder and 
> you need to link to something in the root then use:
> href="../test.jsp"
> The same works for actions on forms.
> Doug
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Bob Hartung" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tomcat Users" <>
> Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:24 PM
> Subject: Tomcat5.15 basic setup question
>> Hi all,
>>   I am new to java and Tomcat.
>>   I have the following situation:
>>      FC4 server behind PIX box.  Internal address 10.x.x.x.
>>      Outside address resolves to mirc.[website].[suffix]
>>   I have deployed a java application called MIRC and it works fine at
>> the server console.
>>   From the same network, I can access all functions with 
>> http://10.x.x.x:80.
>>   From the outside world I can access the main page with 
>> http://mirc.[website].[suffix]:8080
>>   The problem is when I select a function on the entry page that 
>> sends
>> me to another jsp in the application.  Because the application 
>> suggested that i hard code the local address, 10.x.x.x, when I do try 
>> to access another page the url is returned as 
>>, for instance. 
>> cannot resolve.
>>   I though of changing the address in server.xml to localhost:8080 
>> but
>> that too will not resolve from the outside world.
>>   My question is were if the mass of documentation for Tomcat should 
>> I
>> start looking for the answer of how to configure this so it will work 
>> both from within my office and from the outside world?
>> Thanks for pointers!
>> Bob
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