Thank you very much David, seems like we have to upgrade.

On 2/15/06, David Bishop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was running Apache Cocoon with Tomcat 5.0.28 and a Sun 1.4.2 JVM.
> Unexpectedly the system was falling over at a certain load and not
> gracefully slowing down. At a certain number of concurrent users it
> was returning very strange errors including Java Out of Memory
> errors, but only after returning some weird ones!
> After doing some intensive testing and not getting anywhere I looked
> for help from the Cocoon community and was pointed at the JVM because
> the stock for garbage collection is no good for web servers and can
> be improved with fine tuning via command line parameters. The
> following document has some good points regarding it..
> I actually solved all my problems by upgrading to the 1.5 JVM which
> has far better garbage collection handling and I have found under
> regression testing the web system gracefully slows down when things
> get tough as opposed to falling over, it also performs much better
> than it did under the 1.4.2 JVM.
> Hope this helps,
> David.
> On 15 Feb 2006, at 13:29, Leon Rosenberg wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > has someone ever estimated the max possible load for tomcat? We are
> > suffering from very odd behaviour, as long as tomcat/machine is under
> > certain load it works very well, but then it just "breaks a magical
> > limit" and the performance breaks down.
> > Tomcat or the JVM are starting to leak memory (we are running with
> > mx800M, and are normally at 600+ free memory, but then it goes to
> > zero). Tomcat begins to throw absolutely ununderstandable exceptions,
> > like beans not present in scope which are normally there, socket/pipe
> > errors, unable to deliver 5xx or 4xx error pages and so on. Busy
> > threads are going high, from 10-20 to some hundreds.
> >
> > We are running with jdk1.4.2_04, tomcat 5.0.25, linux kernel 2.6.8
> > (debian) 32 bit on different hardware, intel or opteron 1-2
> > processors, 32 and 64 bit processors (up to 4 virtual processors). No
> > tomcat clustering, no app. server. Our loadbalancing is based on CPU
> > Idle time, so the amount of traffic on each machine is different,
> > faster machines serving 4 times more then slower. The faster machines
> > are serving 100-150 requests per second in normal, and approx. 300-400
> > requests per second in peak times. Avg. request duration is <15 ms in
> > normal times (the servlet execution, not counting the jsp transmission
> > afterwards) and 100-200 under high load.
> >
> > We need some serious performance benchmarks, but those are hard to
> > find (most people talk about absolutely irrelevant things like
> > database tuning)...
> > Any good links?
> >
> > TIA
> > Leon
> >
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