Greetings to all.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. :) I've run into a problem that I
can't find any answers for and I am hopeful that one of you has the time
to respond.

* Tomcat 5.5.15
* Applet using jvm 1.5
* An applet that has been sitting idle and tomcat has expired the
* User tries to click on an applet function that sends and requests a
serialized object.

Here is code from the APPLET I'm trying to use. This applet code (run
inside a browser) always receives a status of HTTP_OK (200)! Any ideas
why? From what I can tell, tomcat is trying to send the user to the
forms based login but that never happens since the applet has control of
the browser...

    URL servlet = <set to a servlet URL>;


    HttpURLConnection con = (HttpURLConnection)servlet.openConnection

    con.setDoInput (true);
    con.setDoOutput (true);
    con.setUseCaches (false);
    con.setRequestProperty ("Content-Type",


    out = new ObjectOutputStream (con.getOutputStream ());
    out.writeObject (obj);
    out.flush ();
    out.close ();
    in = con.getInputStream ();

    int status = con.getResponseCode();

    <snip> // print the status

    // exception always occurs here. EOF on stream or
    // invalid stream header... 
    result = new ObjectInputStream (in);
    o = result.readObject ();

    <return the object to caller>

The method call:

    int status = con.getResponseCode();

Always returns a status of HTTP_OK (200)! Why oh why can't I see a
status that indicates that the session has expired? :) Perhaps that the
user is no longer authenticated? 

Bueller? Bueller? :)

If anyone can help I offer them a thousands thanks!


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