I have been having trouble getting mod_jk to work. After having Googled and read various information on configuring mod_jk (that's the first problem -- we need good documentation without having to Google), I settled on this link which is a pretty good HOWTO:


The problem is, once I got everything setup, things didn't work as expected. Before going into a long diatribe about all the potential issues, what I checked, etc., I want to inquire about the notion of this document's advice about your "webapp", as mentioned in http.conf and server.xml configuration, and as shown in step 5 of this HOWTO, in directory creation. The document instructs you to create the appropriate application directories as follows:

mkdir /home/tomcat/webapps
mkdir /home/tomcat/webapps/{YOUR_DOMAIN}
mkdir /home/tomcat/webapps/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/logs
mkdir /home/tomcat/webapps/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/{YOUR_APPLICATION}
mkdir /home/tomcat/webapps/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/{YOUR_APPLICATION}/WEB-INF
mkdir /home/tomcat/webapps/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/{YOUR_APPLICATION}/WEB-INF/classes

In the httpd.conf, the virtualHost directive setup recommended is as follows:

        ServerAdmin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        ServerName {YOUR_DOMAIN}
        DocumentRoot /home/tomcat/webapps/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/{YOUR_APPLICATION}
        ErrorLog /home/tomcat/webapps/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/logs/error_log
        CustomLog /home/tomcat/webapps/{YOUR_DOMAIN}/logs/access_log common
        JkMount /*.jsp wrkr
        JkMount /servlet/* wrkr
        # Deny direct access to WEB-INF
        <LocationMatch ".*WEB-INF.*">
                AllowOverride None
                deny from all

and in configuring the Tomcat context, the configuration recommended is as 

<Context path=""

I don't get the {YOUR_APPLICATION} part of this. Basically, I have a domain, and from it, I will be serving the contents of one or more web applications. These web applications of course are WAR files. The directory creation instructions look as if you would be creating the exploded WAR structure manually, and the virtual
host configuration and context configuration appear to be addressing a 
particular WAR. This doesn't make sense to me. All I want to do is forward all 
requests with a particular
prefix to Tomcat, regardless of the web application, and based upon the prefix, 
tomcat will determine which web application will respond (just as if you were 
using Tomcat without
Apache httpd).
Can someone give me a heads up on how to configure this? Thanks!


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