Tim Lucia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Send Tomcat a QUIT (11) signal on Unix, or control/break (run it
> interactively) on Windows.  This will cause the VM to dump all thread
> stacks.
> If you don't like Tomcat, you can always shell out some big bugs for a
> commercial application server.  For some even bigger bucks you can get
> commercial support.  I can tell you it's unlikely you'll get a warm
> reception from the very people who can help you given the current
> tone of your postings.

Your right, the tone of my postings is inproper.
I've been using 'free' software for almost 10 years now
and I pretty well get the rules. My only excuse is the
level of my frustration, based on recent Tomcat use.

For now, the only contribition to Tomcat community
I can give is _pointing_out_ some real-world problems,
that typical users of Tomcat may face (and face!).
The problems are:

1. Poor/none default logging facility in 5.5.x.
   - no real help/tips on error sources
   - no examples how to do a decent virtual hosts logging
   - no tips how to switch off a lot of uneccesary trash log inputs
   If Tomcat is supposed to be production ready why
   it has no production ready logging features?

2. No real-world, step-by-step docs how to TRACE and eliminate
   application errors that lead to server failure. That is
   probably a problem lot of Tomcat users must struggle with.

3. During last years I see no actions taken by Tomcat dev team
   to eliminate Tomcat server failures caused by webaplications.
   Is it really impossible?

Real world user feedback was the main point of my postings.
And sorry for the tone again.


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