the reason why I put jars in common/lib is that the war file is very
heavy with all the jars included in it. As solution, I puted jars in
tomcat directories.
By definition, in shared/Lib you can put application jars that will be
available between applications, but I only see jars if I put them in
Thanks for youe help!
Iratxe Etxebarria Sainz-Ezkerra
Soporte Web
External Global Services
Tfno: 946 584 773 / 628 717 375

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 11/03/2006 14:53 >>>

Unless you *HAVE* to put jars in common/lib or shared/lib, don't.

You'll save a few bytes of disk space, but waste more time on goofy
classloding crap (like this) that will end up costing you more than
added disk space would.


On 3/10/06, Iratxe Etxeberria Sainz-Ezquerra
> I have a problem with libraries in shared/lib. I am using tomcat
> 5.0.28. I have some libraries of the application, (for example
> spring-aop.jar..). When I have these libraries in application: in
> ..WEB-INF/lib they are loaded ok.

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