--- Steve Ochani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 13 Mar 2006 at 14:25, Dola Woolfe wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > After 3 years of using JBuilder, I have conclued
> that
> > it is unusable. It was almost unusable in version
> 9,
> > but became worse with every version.
> Sorry to get offtopic a bit but
> I'm curious, what problems did you have with
> JBuilder that made it unusable for you?
I also hope, we do not get too far off-topic and my
actual question get answered. But basically:

1. JBuilder compiles some .java classes but fails to
copy them to the WEB-INF/classes directory
2. Unpredictable behavior in copying other .class
dependencies to the WEB-INF/classes diectory
3. Failing to recompile necessary files
4. Unable to deal with some jdk 1.5 features in jsp
5. Excruciatitingly slow. "Verifying web module" takes
five minutes. Subsequent compilation, 10 minutes.
That's for about 150 .jsp files.
6. "Tab" does not align properly.
7. Insistence on breaking up long lines.
8. Cost
9. Forget the remaining reasons.

> > 
> > I'm back in Emacs and started learning Ant. I'm
> Have you considered Eclipse or Netbeans?

Spent one day trying to figure out Eclipse, but then
got impatient. Tried Netbeans three years ago and
didn't really like it.
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