Hello all,

   One of my friend is looking a way to improve availability of his web-app 
which is deployed on
tomcat 5.0.28. He has following configuration:

Hardware: Dual Xeon 3.0 GHz, 73 GB 10K SCSI HDD, 2 GB RAM, Gigabit NIC
Software: SuSE Linux 10, JDK 1.5, Tomcat 5.0.28 (Default install)

   His web-app has about 2000 users and his company is expecting load of 10,000 
more so say about
12,000 users. Currently tomcat is handling all users flawlessly. No problem 
whom-so-ever. Based
upon my knowledge, Tomcat is capable of handing more users then 12000. So 
absolutely NO need to
switch application server. He and I both have 100% trust in Tomcat and we are 
NOT going to switch
to any other application server.

   Now he discussed few things with me about providing high availability (and 
may be high
throughput). So in brief, we are looking at solution that provides high 

   My questions are :

1) Do you know of any hardware/software configuration to increase high 
2) Does clustering helps in this situation? If yes, any reference on how to 
implement that? (I
dont mind reading esp. when it is new to me)
3) Does Apache play any role in this improvement scenario?
4) He wants configuration like, if one server dies for any reason, second 
identical server should
able to pick up requests and serve it. He does not mind adding hardware. How to 
do that?
5) Do you think load balancing may help? I mean server is pretty powerful and 
my friend does not
mind improving hardware. 12000 is not a big number. 

   Thank you all for reading above. Let me know your all suggestions.


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