Thanks. Yes, of course on the matter of the package name. I think I've grasped 
the points I was struggling with. I have saved the spec to my local disk, and 
when I'm comfortable enough with the general concepts, I'll be able to read it 
and understand it.
Charles Knell

-----Original Message-----
From:     David Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent:     Mon, 20 Mar 2006 10:28:29 -0500
To:       Tomcat Users List <>
Subject:  Re: What, exactly, is meant by "full path" when construction          
      web.xml entries

More like:

package com.kilonovember ;

// imports here

public class Monkey extends HttpServlet{

// methods and programming


Note I didn't include the class name in the package name. This creates a class with the full name of com.kilonovember.Monkey.



Thanks for the sanity check. That did what I expected, so to expand on this, if I were 
creating a "real" servlet whose source code opened like this:

package com.kilonovember.Monkey;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class Monkey extends HttpServlet{

.. programming stuff goes here ...


I would create this directory structure under "C:\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 


and place my compiled Monkey.class in kilonovember?

Next I would edit the web.xml file and add these elements?



Having done that, I would re-start Tomcat and, providing my Monkey.class compiled 
correctly, I should expect to be able to type "http://localhost:8080/monkey"; 
into my browser's address window and see the output of Monkey.class. Is that correct?

Thanks to everyone who responded.

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