> On 3/17/06, Rajeev Jha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What's your ratio of Apache to Tomcat instances? You may want to look
> into using squid as a reverse proxy to Tomcat, it is very good at
> supporting a huge number of concurrent clients without having to spawn
> a thread or process for each one.

I think that may not be possible in our case. see one aspect of
keep-alive is you keep the pipe open because the same client can
request for more resources. But all such requests are alive for a
finite amount of time only ,so performance is always talked in terms
of through-put.

In our case,the servlet is interfacing to the back-end that sends
async events from time to time. So we really need to hold on to a
thread to receive notifications from the backend. The container spwans
a thread that enters the doGet() of servlet


  while(pipeOpen) {
     data = pipe.read(); // will block for backend events


Now we can not return this thread to some pool, because I do not know
when the events will arive. And I need to keep the connection open to
push the data + need one thread to block on events.

So I need one thread to server one request. The difference  from
previous case is , our processing of a request is not over in finite
time. we have to keep the same connection open.

I really donot see a way out w/o some support from the container itself.

Jetty has a feature called continuation that is supposed to solve this
issue.But for the moment, I want to try tomcat first. i want to see
how many threads i can support in such a scenario.

I will put a separate mail for that.



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