On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 03:32:35AM -0800, korbben wrote:
> Thanks Peter, we have most experience in Fedora Core 1b, but is it a good
> distribution for production ?

Because of its age, I would say there are better alternatives.

> We use Fedora only for intranet server, but now for a extranet server, whith
> maximal security and stability, Fedora is recommended ?

Fedore is meant to be bleeding edge, and its release policy doesn't
match my idea of what I would like for a stable production server.

But if you're familiar with Fedora, any of the RedHat-based distro's
(I like CentOS: http://centos.org) would be quite familiar to you
also.  It doesn't make me as nervous to do a 'yum upgrade' on a
production CentOS box as it would with Fedora.  Generally RedHat fixes
bugs (sometimes with back-ports of bug fixes instead of new versions)
and vulnerabilities in their updates, and that's all.  Fedora
frequently includes new versions in updates that could require
re-testing applications.

Also, if you ever did need top-notch support you could buy it for
CentOS, or a switch to RedHat would be trivial.  Sometimes that can be
important to the suits.

My $.02

Barry Roberts

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