Armand Rock wrote:
> Libraries have been installed in:
>    /usr/local/apr/lib
> I then copied the .so library file from /usr/local/apr/lib/
> to /tomcat/bin/
> I restarted Tomcat....I'm still getting a page cannot be displayed error.

By default, if Tomcat doesn't find, it will generate a log 
message in catalina.out that contains information where it looked for it.
In contrast to Windows, on Linux <Tomcat dir>/bin isn't searched for native 
libs by default and it therefore has no effect to copy in 

> Is there anything else I perhaps need to do?

Add the directory that contains the native lib either to the environment 
variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH or the Java property java.library.path when starting 
Tomcat. The easiest way to achieve this might be to create a file named 
"" in <Tomcat dir>/bin which contains

# File content starts here
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/apr/lib
# File content ends here

(the path "/usr/local/apr/lib" is taken from what you wrote above).


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