
Sun's JDK contains am small Java-App called 'jconsole'.
You can run it remotely after configuring your tomcat like this:
http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-5.5-doc/monitoring.html (Enabling JMX Remote)
Consider reading the JDK-docs also.

Real memory usage can be understood much better with this tool.
You can even answer the permGen-question by yourself. And you learn  that 
every reload causes a permanent increase in permGen-usage by some megabytes.

(Interested in sending snmp-traps when reaching a specified memory limit? Look 
into it)
And: no, we are not restarting tomcat every night. But you should really use 
some coutinous availabilty check tool (cron with wget, or jmeter)

Try it!


Am Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 20:03 schrieb Mark Hagger:
> As I'm sure you know this is something of a large can of worms...
> All I can say is that from my experience of this modern JVM's are getting
> much better at working well with the default gc options (ie jdk 5.0 and
> above). We use jrockit for our systems, and just use a simple:
> -server -Xms256m -Xmx1024m
> Our server are dual processor boxes with 6Gig ram and all runs well for us.
> From what I understand both current jrockit and sun gc strategies are to
> delay gc work until as late as possible (jrockit seems to leave it later
> than sun tbh).  This tends to mean that memory usage never really seems to
> drops much, our servers run with jrockit having grabbed around 1.9Gig
> memory all the time, but then seem to run happily with that for long
> periods of time (ie weeks at a time).  Both jrockit and sun default to
> adaptive gc systems for "large" systems, which ought to get to the right
> approach in due course.
> Having said that experience suggests that if the application churns memory
> very fast (tomcat doesn't really qualify for that for us, but some of our
> other apps do), using a two generational concurrent gc approach is best,
> especially for jrockit.
> The other thing to note is that a call to System.gc() does very little in
> some jvm's, I think its increasingly taken as a hint, and most gc's almost
> ignore it.  A real full gc is expensive and can cause heavy pauses, gc
> systems tend to avoid it like a plague.
> Hope this is of some help, although I'd be interested to hear others
> thoughts on this.
> Mark
> On Wednesday 29 March 2006 19:17, John Powers wrote:
> > I am trying to tune an instance of tomcat running a single application.
> > And have a couple different questions.
> >
> >
> >
> > I have read lots of faqs and webpages on the various types of garbage
> > collectors.   I get from most of these that it takes lots of tuning
> > particular to each machine/server/application.
> >
> >
> >
> > My main question is why the memory allocated keeps climbing.    If I
> > have a fairly consistent number of users, then as some sessions are
> > freed up, others are made.  Wouldn't the amount of allocated level off
> > at some point? When a full GC is started, why does it never go back down
> > to a low number?    At night, lets say when there are no users, why
> > wouldn't a GC drop the memory down to what is used by just the bare
> > minimum?
> >
> >
> >
> > Most faqs and webpages say to allocate as much memory as possible.  How
> > can you use the aggressiveHeap tag if tomcat is also trying to specify
> > Mmx and Mms settings?   Does anyone have an example memory settings for
> > a tomcat running on a 2-4 chip machine with around 2G of ram?
> >
> >
> >
> > I understand for a JSP application that we need to keep our permHeap
> > size large.    What do you guys normally do for that? 128M? 256M? 512M?
> >
> >
> >
> > Is it common that a tomcat needs restarting nightly to free up memory?
> > In all my other apps I've had with tomcat, I've never needed to do that.
> > I've been trying to use the profiler yourkit, but am uncertain what is a
> > valid object in memory and what is being held on unnecessarily.
> >
> >
> >
> > Thanks for any help you can provide.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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