hard to do when the only error in the logs is was two words. not much to google on. dean

Steve Ochani wrote:

On 31 Mar 2006 at 19:34, Jay wrote:

I am pretty new to tomcat. I recently read a post http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=tomcat-user&m=114372017420869&w=2
which solved a problem I have been having for tomcat 5.5 also.  I
thank that person for posting the solution.  I also read some of the
responses from what appear to be the tomcat developers and was very
dissappointed. I also think that is a usability problem for newbs. like tomcat team wants tomcat to only be usable for advanced users to
me.  This frankly dissapoints me.

I disagree. I don't know too many software products and their developers that help out regularly on their support forums and e-mail lists.

Personally speaking (writing), as a developer (not for tomcat) and systems admin I notice that most new people do not try to help themselves first. They don't bother to read any documentation/instructions or hardly any at all and they don't bother to use a search engine as google. On top of that a lot of these people, when they post questions, they do not contain enough clear information for other people to help them.

-Steve O.

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