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On 7/13/12 9:39 AM, Elias Kopsiaftis wrote:
> I am working on a program that uses two servlets, one for input
> from the client, and one for output to the client.

Good so far.

> My question is, from the client side, I will have two connections 
> open to the server, one for input, and one for output

Okay, you've lost me: what you've described is not how HTTP works. A
client makes one (or more) connection(s), sends a request (on each
connection) and receives a response over the same connection.

> so, when both connect, will both connections have the same
> sessionid even though they are accessing two different servlets?
> both servlets will be on the same tomcat

Well, if you are using cookies and your client manages them globally,
then all connections should be associated with the same session. This
is the case with most web browsers in their default configuration.

If you are using URL re-writing to maintain session affinity, then
you'll have to make sure that all of the URLs that you issue from the
client to the server have the URL properly encoded. If you have
written your webapp correctly, most of this should be taken care of by
the container. Your client also has to be willing to include "path
parameters" in the URLs that it passes-back to the server. This is
also the case with most web browsers in their default configuration.

But back to your plan to make separate "input" (to the server) and
"output" (from the server) connections does not make any sense unless
you have some justification for making things that complicated.

I'm available for enlightenment, though I suspect your requirements
are actually a lot simpler than what you describe.

- -chris
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