This is normally in <TC_HOME>/lib/catalina.jar.
     A. Does it exist there?
     B. Does the user the process is running as have permission to read
        that file and directory?
     C. If yes to A & B, is the file corrupt?

/wintouch/tomcat/lib/catalina.jar exists. I had to FTP it elsewhere to check its validity, but it seems valid. And the authorities for it look exactly the same as those for /wintouch/tomcat/bin/bootstrap.jar.


- if catalina.jar is not in /wintouch/tomcat/lib or it is not readable

- if catalina.properties is not in /wintouch/tomcat/conf, or it is not 
readable, or the entries for the server.loader or common.loader are broken

- the start scripts do not set -Dcatalina.base=/wintouch/tomcat/ and 
-Dcatalina.home=/wintouch/tomcat/ when starting the JVM

- you are changing the place of the used properties file by giving a 
non-default value in the system property -Dcatalina.config during startup.

Everything looks like it's in the right place, undamaged, and without authority issues.


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