Thanks Charles I have found documention for all the below from the Tomcat group 
but seemed somewhat outdated. Mark Thomas's name seemed dominant in most of the 
presentations I have seen there is even sections dealing with Tomcat in various 
Tomcat books I have seen.

True the tuning is dependent somewhat upon the app but even Mark mentioned 
logging levels, threads that run contineously that might best be tuned off 
(like checking for new deploys ect). He also mentioned the xmx xms java tuning 
and what Tomcat without apps (WARs) loaded needs although not sure if he 
mentioned xss parimeters. I am using the G1 GC by default since that is setup 
in 1.7.0_05 and the compressed pointers is also setup by default for that 
version of 1.7.0_05. I am also looking at the OS level to remove uneeded 
services. I alreadt tuned the network transport parameters as best as possible.

FYI I currently am down to the 1-2msec response times as measured at the 
exposed web services methods inside of Tomcat 7 using 64-bit Oracle 1.7.0_05 
JDK and that includes database calls to SQL Server 2012 Express. I have used 
some of the standard things mentioned by Mark Thomas which has helped alot and 
looking for more current tips.
I am using the latest JAX_WS Metro release and my next step is to go to JAX-RS 
and look at the size of the request/response and new total response time 
as recorded in the Apache logs and the client side measurements where currently 
I am seeing 5-7msec over a 1Gb/s ethernet.
Every 6 months or so I do a non-functional tuning exercise that includes code 
updates like the last one where I eliminated the EJB calls to JBoss and went to 
jdbc calls from within Tomcat a more "bare metal" appraoch. That alone reduced 
my web method round trip time from 6-7msec down to 1-2msec.
Thanks for the advice.

--- On Fri, 7/20/12, Caldarale, Charles R <> wrote:

From: Caldarale, Charles R <>
Subject: RE: Location of Tomcat 7 jvm defualt settings...
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Date: Friday, July 20, 2012, 1:05 PM

> From: Tony Anecito [] 
> Subject: Location of Tomcat 7 jvm defualt settings...

> Does anyone know the location of the default jvm settings for Tomcat 7
> if the JAVA_OPTS env variable for windows is not specified?

There are none.  Tomcat uses whatever the JVM defaults are for your platform.
> Also, does anyone know what the recommended settings to start with 
> for say Oracle 64-bit jvm and Tomcat 7?

No such suggestions can possibly exist, since they are dependent on the 
behavior of the webapps running inside Tomcat, not Tomcat itself.
> Is there an updated document for Tomcat 7 performance tuning somewhere 
> especially for 64-bit jvm since that is quickly becoming the standard 
> for server side servlet containers.

No - for the same reason as above.  When necessary (and other than heap size, 
it rarely is), tuning has to be done for the webapps, not Tomcat.

- Chuck

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