On 7/21/2012 11:09 AM, chris derham wrote:


    1. Create a automated test script to simulate some load
    2. You increase the load until the bring the webapp to its knees -
    either>80% CPU or responses taking>1/2 sec to return
    3. Critical step - you tell your bosses the maximum level that the app
    can currently support, e.g. X concurrent users performing A and B and C
    routes through the app.
    4. If they say that's all they need, then stop
    5. Otherwise use a profiler to establish where the bottle neck is
    6. Fix it
    7. Repeat from step 2

Using this technique you make sure that you don't waste time fixing issues
that aren't really issues. As a programmer, its kind of hurts to admit it,
but programmers are wrong when thy guess where the performance issues are.
Always. This isn't my idea - read the performance tuning books. You'll just
make code more complicated, and less maintainable.

I disagree here. Once in a great while (maybe 10% of the time), I think I know where my bottlenecks are going to be, and testing proves me right. Of course the other 90% of the time...


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