> I found following problem when java application is trying save xml data
> into xml column to database. ****
> I found a problem with tomcat which is happening in the version 6.0.32 and
> 6.0.35 (maybe also in other version), but working really fine with version
> 6.0.26.****
> ** **
> My configuration:****
> ** **
> OS: windows 7 enterprise****
> IDE: Eclipse EE 3.7.1****
> Java: 1.6.0_33****
> Tomcat: 6.0.26, 6.0.32, 6.0.35****
> DB: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition****
> Other technologies: Spring 3.1.1 + Hibernate 3 + Struts 1.1****
Can you provide details of how you create your connection to the database?
Config file or code? This should shed some light on the issue. I recall
that I hit this in the past, and it is to do with how the connection pool
is setup. Perhaps with the details, it might ring some bells for me or
somebody else.



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