2012/8/17 Busfy,Peter <peter.bu...@drei.com>:
> Hi again,
> so I try ojdbc6.jar (version with tomcat 6.0.35 and the same 
> problem.
> With version 6.0.26 is everything fine.

6.0.26 and 6.0.35 include different versions of Apache Commons DBCP
library (http://commons.apache.org/dbcp/).  You may look into the
changelog or into build.properties in the source distributive to see
the version number.

Later DBCP versions implement wrapping of the underlying JDBC
connection object differently.

On this mailing list such issue has been discussed at least 3 times
during the last 2 years.
(I do not remember what the exact recipe was. I think that you have to
do the following two operations:
1. set a property on the pool to allow unwrapping,
2. call a method to get the wrapped connection.
 See the archives and see the DBCP site).

>From that Spring message -- I guess you have to look for
"NativeJdbcExtractor" implementations and find one that works with

See OracleLobHandler.etNativeJdbcExtractor(..)


There exists "CommonsDbcpNativeJdbcExtractor" class. Maybe it will work for you.

If not, you may try debugging Tomcat (see "Developing" chapter in the
Tomcat FAQ for tips).

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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