Yes. I have tried with Chrome and Opera David. Firefox n Explorer just fail
instantly after looking at the file size over 2GB.

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 7:58 PM, David kerber <> wrote:

> Bug, yes, but it sounds to me like the bug is more likely on the client
> end, since the common component of the failing test is the windows client;
> the server side seems to be fine on both Windows and Linux.
> Have you tried different browsers on the windows machine yet?
> On 8/22/2012 10:16 AM, Sahana Voleti wrote:
>> Sir,
>> despite trying configuring in access log valves  if the same error message
>> persists then there must be some bug. It beautifully uploads from
>> a Linux to a windows and Linux machine to linux machine(for over 10GB file
>> size) but using windows machine as a client it just doesn't upload files
>> above 4GB. There is no network problem as this is being done over LAN.
>> Also
>> I found this in the Apache website:
>> jspa?reset=true&pid=12310476&**sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/**order=DESC<>
>> check out the error Processing of multipart/form-data request failed.
>> Stream ended
>> unexpectedly org.apache.commons.fileupload.**FileUploadBase$**
>> IOFileUploadException:
>> Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. Stream ended
>> unexpectedly
>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 8:35 PM, Christopher Schultz<
>>>  wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Sahana,
>>> On 8/21/12 9:49 AM, Sahana Voleti wrote:
>>>> I have tried all the techniques that we have discussed and yet I
>>>> get the following error:
>>>> org.apache.commons.fileupload.**FileUploadBase$**IOFileUploadException:
>>>>  Processing o
>>>> f multipart/form-data request failed. Stream ended unexpectedly
>>>> org.apache.commons.fileupload.**FileUploadBase$**IOFileUploadException:
>>>>  Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. Stream ended
>>> unexpectedly
>>>> Is there any other solution for this?
>>> The problem is that you aren't helping us figure out what the original
>>> problem is. This problem could occur due to a number of reasons, among
>>> them:
>>> 1. Client is sending the wrong content-length. You can verify this by
>>>     checking the content-length HTTP header in the request using
>>>     AccessLogValve (which has already been described) or other
>>>     techniques (like writing your own Filter and fetching the value
>>>     yourself).
>>> 2. Client is crashing before all bytes can be uploaded. You will have
>>>     to observe the client during the connection to see if it is acting
>>>     strangely.
>>> 3. There is a problem with network hardware -- some hiccup occurs and
>>>     kills the connection. Does the error happen every time you try? If
>>>     so, this is unlikely to be the problem. If it happens randomly,
>>>     network problems may be the source of the issue.
>>> 4. A bug in commons-upload (which is very unlikely).
>>> I suspect you will simply respond saying "yes, but how do I fix it?"
>>> so I won't waste any more of my time asking questions you will never
>>> answer.
>>> - -=chris
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