
I am trying to use the Tomcat Maven Plugin to create an executable jar file
with an embedded Tomcat7, but I am having two issues when trying to do so.

The first one, is that I am not getting how I can stop my executable jar. I
want to run it in from a script (like the shutdown.sh/bat from tomcat). I
was not able to find any documentation about that particular issue.

The second issue, is that when I run my executable jar it loads my webapp
context twice (it tries because it will not be able to do it as I use a
derby db, and it will give an error when trying to have the lock again). It
creates a folder .extract, and the webapp works fine, but I do not want my
context to be loaded twice. I am using the configurations I have found here
http://tomcat.apache.org/maven-plugin-2/executable-war-jar.html .

What am I missing here?

Info about the project:
 - Maven project;
 - pom.xml with packaging war using the build found here
http://tomcat.apache.org/maven-plugin-2/executable-war-jar.html ;
 - Running in Ubuntu 11.04;
 - Using: <groupId>org.apache.tomcat.maven</groupId>

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Sérgio Areias

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