Hi ,

We are using tomcat 7.0.19, for a jsf(richfaces),seam, jpa web application. 
Here are the software versions and hardware infrastructure details.
Apache Tomact # 7.0.19
Java run time  # 1.6.0_12
Server infrastructure # SunOS xxxxxxx 5.10 Generic_142900-03 sun4v sparc 
OS version # solaris 10.
Issue Description # 
We have noticed after about 2 months, the web requests stop being processed. We 
had observed this issue twice in the last 5 months. 
We are using HTTP/1.1 Connector ( BIO ). The heap and permgen memory seem fine. 
There is no out of memory errors in the logs. We have used jvisualvm to monitor 
heap, permgen, threads and thread dump, AND THEY ALL LOOK OK.   The thread dump 
looks fine and there are no deadlocks/stuck threads observed. 
The localhost_access_log stops being updated. The connector port is still 
listening on SSL port 8443.
After we restart Tomcat, the new requests are processing fine.
Can you please advise other areas we should look into for investigation (any 
additional tracing).
Should we upgrade to tomcat 7.0.29? What could cause the Connector to stop 
processing requests on the port?
Further info: Heap(1/6th used), PermGen(1/2 used). GC is effectively reducing 
the heap. The fact that local access log is not being updated, suggests the 
request is not making to the Servlet container. We are using JPA Connection 
Pool, have not noticed any db connection issues. After the restart, everything 
works well.
The system logs seems to be fine. 
Please find the attached sample thread dump copy when this issue was occurred. 
Please let me know if you need more information. 


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