Hi Chris,

See responses below:

-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:ch...@christopherschultz.net] 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2012 8:50 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: very basic question about apache and tomcat

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On 9/20/12 11:19 AM, Mead, Jen L wrote:
> I met you at a PERL conference years and years ago along with a bunch 
> of other people you met.

-Unlikely... I've never been to a Perl conference.

-[OT NB: I've found out that I'm not the only Christopher Schultz in the world 
-- even in my ---own local region. I got pulled-over for speeding one time and 
was told that my license had ----been -suspended
-*and* revoked (I'm not sure how that's different than just being revoked, but 
what the hey). --Anyhow, turns out that the state I was living in used soundex 
codes for driver's license ------numbers and another (apparently evil) 
Christopher Schultz and I had license numbers differing -only by one digit, so 
the cop had it all wrong. Fun ride.]

LOL, bummer. Yes you do have a "famous" name.

> Anyways.  Exactly what I am trying to do is allow folks to use their 
> web browser (I would like to stick with tomcat 7.0.27 on aix
> 6.1) from their windows workstation and authenticate against the 
> windows domain.


> I am hoping this can be accomplished without creating unix accounts.

-Mirroring AD in UNIX would be foolish. It wouldn't get you anywhere, anyway, 
since Tomcat -----doesn't have a module to authenticate against the local UNIX 
environment, anyway.

> The permissions for it, page access or run the tool would reside in 
> the tomcat configuration side, but all authentication would be from 
> the windows side.

-So you want your clients to provide Kerberos tokens to Tomcat? Have you 
arranged for that kind -of thing?

- -chris

Yes I have to a point.  We have HP support and mostly it is in India and we 
don't direct access with them.  I opened a ticket but they are requesting that 
I tell them exactly how to do it.  I am working with them on that.  They are 
waiting for me to test from my AIX environment to iron out all those pieces.  I 
know they need to configure my server into their environment and maybe it will 
require a special user account.  If you have info on that that would be good.

Could you tell me which modules / libraries I need to download and install for 
tomcat to authenticate against the windows environment and how to tweak them?  
I am ready to dig into this.


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