On Sep 29, 2012, at 5:41 PM, Josh Gooding wrote:

> It seems that I have run into something that seems a bit strange.  I have
> configured 4 separate web applications to each have their own context.xml
> files.  

There are multiple places where you can put context configuration.  Where did 
you configure this?

  - conf/context.xml
  - META-INF/context.xml
  - conf/Catalina/localhost/<app-name>.xml
  - conf/server.xml

> I have also configured one of the web applications to have a
> realm.  

Again, where did you configure this?  context.xml? server.xml?

A brief example of what you are doing would be helpful for us to understand the 
issue.  Include your configuration, just remove any xml comments.


> It seems to me, when you configure a realm, tomcat forces you to
> put what ever jdbc driver jar that you need, to be put into the
> $CATALINA_HOME/lib directory?  If this is not how it works, then I'm
> missing some piece of configuration knowledge.  If it is, isn't it a bit
> counter intuitive in keeping each individual applications jars in the
> context's own WEB-INF/lib folder?
> I'm curious about how this is supposed to work.
> - Josh

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