
I have deployed the context.xml to the META-INF location per web
application, in the server.xml files I have set the copyXML attribute on
the <Host> declaration to true.  I do not configure context's anywhere but

- Josh

On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 10:46 AM, Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Josh,
> On 9/29/12 5:41 PM, Josh Gooding wrote:
> > It seems that I have run into something that seems a bit strange.
> > I have configured 4 separate web applications to each have their
> > own context.xml files.  I have also configured one of the web
> > applications to have a realm.  It seems to me, when you configure a
> > realm, tomcat forces you to put what ever jdbc driver jar that you
> > need, to be put into the $CATALINA_HOME/lib directory?  If this is
> > not how it works, then I'm missing some piece of configuration
> > knowledge.  If it is, isn't it a bit counter intuitive in keeping
> > each individual applications jars in the context's own WEB-INF/lib
> > folder?
> That has been my experience when configuring the Realm from within the
> <Context>. IMO, the context should have its resources resolved using
> the WebappClassLoader for that context, but there is a bit of a
> chicken-in-an-egg situation with reading the context deployment
> descriptor which can configure the ClassLoaders.
> > I'm curious about how this is supposed to work.
> This is a situation not covered by the servlet spec, so "how it is
> supposed to work" is whatever the Tomcat devs decide, and can change
> over time.
> - -chris
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