
I want to update Apache with 2.4.2 version. But, on mod_jk download page,
we have only "mod_jk-1.2.32-httpd-2.2.21-nw.zip" (for httpd 2.2.21).

Is it compatible with Apache httpd 2.4.2 ?

Thanks in advance,


2012/9/24 Nicolas Sarazin <nicolas.sarazin....@gmail.com>:
> Hi Christopher,
> And thank you for this invaluable information !
> I shall continue the discussion if the problem persists after the
> update of my configuration.
> Nicolas SARAZIN
> 2012/9/21 Christopher Schultz <ch...@christopherschultz.net>:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Nicholas,
>> On 9/21/12 4:14 AM, Nicolas Sarazin wrote:
>>> Ok for all versions upgrades, I put it in my todo list ! It is a
>>> customer environment, I can't make it immediately.
>> That's okay, but you need to be ready when your customer says "hey,
>> Tomcat 5.5.x is no longer supported: we need to upgrade".
>>>> Christopher Schultz wrote:
>>>> Do you have anything else? If not, why bother with Apache httpd?
>>> Yes, we have lot of directives (using mod_cache, mod_proxy, ...).
>>> In reality, I have about twenty VirtualHost.
>> Fair enough: it's always worth asking. Lots of people think that
>> Apache httpd is, for some reason, required.
>>>> What MPM are you using? If you are using prefork, then your
>>>> connection_pool_size is all wrong. Generally speaking, you
>>>> should allow mod_jk to determine its own value for
>>>> connection_pool_size when using Apache httpd.
>>>> How many backend Tomcat servers do you have? Looks like one.
>>>> Let's assume you are using threaded MPM in httpd (otherwise the
>>>> value for 1200 is insane) and you are using only one backend
>>>> Tomcat server.
>>>> You have 1200 connections configured in httpd
>>>> (connection_pool_size), but Tomcat can only accept 600 of them
>>>> (maxThreads) at any given time. You have used backlog=8192 to
>>>> cover this up so things become even more confusing.
>>> I using prefork. Indeed, in Apache documentation : "Do not use
>>> connection_pool_size with values higher then 1 on Apache 2.x
>>> prefork or Apache 1.3.x!". It's better to delete it or to put its
>>> value to 1 ?
>> I would delete the option altogether - per the documentation - and
>> allow mod_jk to select the appropriate setting.
>>> What problems can arise with mpm prefork and connection_pool_size >
>>> 1 ?
>> A big waste of memory and a lot of needless overhead. I dunno how
>> mod_jk manages its connections, but it might immediately open 1200
>> connections per prefork process to your backend, which can waste a lot
>> of resources, too.
>>>>> Usually, it's work correctly, but sometime, only on certain
>>>>> pages, woker can't connect to Tomcat. In my logs files, I have
>>>>> :
>>>> I think it's only a coincidence that /page2 consistently gives
>>>> you 500-response errors, here. Try looking at a wider section of
>>>> your httpd access log to determine if there really is something
>>>> special about /page2 (of course, /page2 could be returning
>>>> 500-response itself: you might want to check on that).
>>> This page was in error 500 in acces log between 19:12:27 and
>>> 20:04:39.
>>>>> How can we explain this behavior ?
>>>> There are lots of explanations for what you are seeing.
>>>> A few questions:
>>>> 1. Do you really need Apache httpd at all? 2. Can you configure
>>>> cping/cpong for connection liveness testing? 3. Have you tried
>>>> disabling AJP connection re-use altogether? localhost
>>>> communication is fast fast fast.
>>> 1 - Yes :) 2 - Yes, but not immediately 3 - I don't, but I am going
>>> to test !
>> Good luck.
>> - -chris
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