I am using Tomcat 7 and having it manage my database connections with its
DBCP implementation. In the past I have put ojdbc14.jar in
$CATALINA_HOME/lib, which has been fine. However, some applications are
being upgraded to Oracle 11g and require the ojdbc6.jar instead. If I take
the jar out of $CATALINA_HOME/lib and put the correct one in each
individual application, everything works fine, except for the "cannot
unregister driver" error Tomcat logs.

Every resource I've read thus far has said that the driver jar must be
in $CATALINA_HOME/lib or DBCP wont work. Except that it appears to work
just fine. Perhaps I am missing something? Are there other consequences for
putting the driver in each individual webapp (when having Tomcat manage
connections) and not in $CATALINA_HOME/lib?


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