
I'm facing similar problems too and I guess with a good configuration of my 
server.xml would be a good start point.

So could kindly share a good Connector configuration in this mail thread? What 
would that be the best choice in terms of max min threads keep alived timeout 
configurations ?

Thanks in advance!

Sent from my iPhone

On 18/10/2012, at 07:05, Romain Van der Keilen <romain.vanderkei...@uniway.be> 

> Hi there!
> Some news for you about my problem.
> I did all the modifications you suggested, it increased the response time a 
> little bit (2-3 seconds better on a 15 seconds scale). It was already good to 
> take, and helped me to create a healthy configuration.
> After that, I looked deeper into the database configuration, as I saw in the 
> tests that non db relative actions were responding very fast (50ms for a 1000 
> users basis).
> I finally found an OracleDataSource in the Oracle Driver, which reacts far 
> way better than the BasicDataSource I was using before (12s for 150 users for 
> the basic data source, 1.5s for the oracle one, same test).
> So I think my problems are solved, thanks to you guys!
> Many thanks for the advices,
> Romain.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: André Warnier [mailto:a...@ice-sa.com] 
> Sent: mercredi 17 octobre 2012 11:49
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: asking advice for tomcat 7 config
> Pid wrote:
> ...
>>>    <Executor  name="tomcatThreadPool" namePrefix="catalina-exec-80-" 
>>> maxThreads="650" minSpareThreads="100" />
>>>    <Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool" address="" port="80" 
>>> maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" 
>>> protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
>>>           connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="443" 
>>> server="lighthttpd/2.0.0" enableLookups="false" acceptorThreadCount="4" 
>>> socket.directBuffer="false" 
>>>           compression="off" 
>>> compressableMimeType="text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/javascript,text/css,image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif"
>>>           acceptCount="50" bufferSize="4096" />
>>>    <Executor  name="stomcatThreadPool" namePrefix="catalina-exec-443-" 
>>> maxThreads="650" minSpareThreads="100" />
>>>    <Connector executor="stomcatThreadPool" 
>>> protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" port="443" 
>>> SSLEnabled="true" scheme="https" secure="true"
>>>        clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS" 
>>> keystoreFile="D:\keystore\appks" server="lighthttpd/2.0.0"
>>>        enableLookups="false" keystorePass="changeit" address="" 
>>> acceptorThreadCount="4" socket.directBuffer="false"
>>>        compression="off" 
>>> compressableMimeType="text/html,text/xml,text/plain,text/javascript,text/css,image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif"
>>>        acceptCount="50" bufferSize="4096" >
>>>    </Connector>
>> You've configured a separate pool for connectors on ports 80 and 443.  Why?
>> You've reduced the acceptCount to 50.  Why?
>> You are compressing compressed images.  Why?
> There is : compression="off" in both connectors though.
> So I guess that compressableMimeType should be ignored.
> (It /is/ still questionable to have changed the default of 
> compressableMimeType, to include types which are inherently compressed 
> already.)
>> You are setting acceptorThreadCount=4.  Why?
>> Does your app have a database connection pool?
>> What are the sizing parameters for this pool?
> Also,
> - for the HTTP connector, connectionTimeout is set to 20000 (milliseconds), 
> and keepAliveTimeout is not set.
> - for the HTTPS connector, neither one is set.
> That will cause :
> - for the HTTP connector :
>   - connectionTimeout = 20000 ms (20 s.)
>   - keepAliveTimeout =  20000 ms
> - for the HTTPS connector :
>   - connectionTimeout = 60000 ms (60 s.)
>   - keepAliveTimeout =  60000 ms
> 1) So it means that if a client connects to the server, but does not send any 
> request line for a while on that connection, the server will allocate a 
> thread to serve the request; this thread will wait up to 20 s (on HTTP) or 60 
> s. (on HTTPS), before timing out and returning to the pool of available 
> threads.
> Of course only a malicious client would do that..
> 2) it also means that a perfectly non-malicious client can connect to the 
> server, and send a first request on the connection; the server will allocate 
> a thread to handle this request; and then, if the same client has no more 
> requests to send for a while, this thread will nevertheless remain waiting on 
> this connection for 20 s. (HTTP) or 60 s. 
> (HTTPS), just in case the client /would/ send another request on it.
> During this time, the thread is unavailable to process other client requests.
> Discarding item (1) for now as being a DOS attack, might (2) not go a long 
> way to explain the symtoms that the OP is mentioning ?
> I would try setting :
> - for the HTTP connector :
>   - connectionTimeout = 5000 ms (5 s.)
>   - keepAliveTimeout =  5000 ms
> - for the HTTPS connector :
>   - connectionTimeout = 5000 ms (5 s.)
>   - keepAliveTimeout =  5000 ms
> on the premises that :
> - a genuine well-intentioned client is very unlikely to establish a 
> connection with a webserver, and then not send any request on that connection 
> for all of 5 seconds
> - if a client, after making a first request and having obtained the response 
> to it, is then not making any further request to the server on the same 
> connection for more than 5 seconds, it probably means that he has for now 
> nothing more to request.  And it is not the overhead of establishing a new 
> TCP connection later that is nowadays going to penalise the client or the 
> server.
> And this would allow these Tomcat threads to be recycled much faster, instead 
> of just sitting there doing nothing.
> Is that analysis wrong ?
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