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On 10/18/12 6:05 AM, Romain Van der Keilen wrote:
> After that, I looked deeper into the database configuration, as I
> saw in the tests that non db relative actions were responding very
> fast (50ms for a 1000 users basis). I finally found an
> OracleDataSource in the Oracle Driver, which reacts far way better
> than the BasicDataSource I was using before (12s for 150 users for
> the basic data source, 1.5s for the oracle one, same test).

I'd be interested to see the difference in configuration. I've never
had problems with Tomcat's (really commons-dbcp's) BasicDataSource.
Perhaps when you switched, you changed some essential configuration

The obvious one being the size of the connection pool: if you are try
to test 70 simultaneous db-related operations but your connection pool
only contains 50 connections, then many of the requests are going to
sit idly-waiting for db connections. Basically, you cannot scale
beyond 50 simultaneous HTTP connections if all your requests are

The equation looks something like this (where 'R' is the number of
HTTP requests, 'P' is the size of your connection pool and 'L' is the
proportion of all request you expect to require a db connection):

max(R) = P / L

So, if you have 50 connections in your pool and you expect 50% of your
requests to require a database connection, then you can only expect to
be able to serve 50 / 0.5 = 100 simultaneous HTTP connections.

Conversely, if you want to be able to handle 500 connections at 50%
rate, then you need to have 250 connections available in your database
pool. Of course, if you have multiple servers, then you have to be
aware that each app instance will open 250 connections to your
database. If you can't handle N*250 on the database side, then you
have to do the equation from the resource-limited side instead of from
the demand-I-want-to-serve side.

- -chris
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