On 11/27/2012 3:14 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:
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On 11/27/12 6:02 PM, Mark Eggers wrote:
On 11/27/2012 2:37 PM, Christopher Schultz wrote:


I have developed a Perl script that can be used with Nagios to
check on a Tomcat instance via the manager's JMXProxyServlet.
Someone asked me to publish it, which I'm happy to do. I'm just
wondering what the best thing to do is.

I see several options:

1. Submit a patch to the Tomcat source 2. Drop the file into the
Tomcat wiki 3. Stick the file on Apache's related-projects stash
-- I have forgotten the address at this point :( 4. Host it on my
own website

Tomcat's source doesn't include a "contrib" directory or anything
like that, so probably #1 isn't the best option, but I figured
I'd mention it in case someone wants to tell me a better place in
the Tomcat source I could put it.

I'm not sure the wiki is the best place for things like scripts.
At least it will be available and versioned-with-history: anyone
can make modifications to it and everyone benefits.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to which way I should go?

Thanks, - -chris


First of all, thank you for this. I've been toying with a similar
idea (and plugging the entire mess into the Icenga remoting
script), but I've not had the chance.

Right now, I think the Wiki might be a good place. Maybe under the
"Troubleshooting" section? I don't know, there doesn't seem to be a
good monitoring section in the How To area of the Wiki.

Maybe you could start one?

I've actually been working on one:


The fact that you have forgotten the related projects' stash URL is
a good indication that most people don't know of it, or have
forgotten it, or are otherwise unaware of it. I know I am. So
unless the location gets broadcast pretty strongly, then your good
work will go off to the dusty bin of unvisited URLs.


Your blog is great as well, I just don't know how much extra access
and traffic you're looking for . . .

Heh. My website gets a trickle of hits per day, and those are probably
just spiders.

I'll link to it from the aforementioned wiki page. We can always move
it somewhere else.

Let me know if it will work for you in Icinga.

- -chris

First glance at the code - looks nice, and it looks like it will play with Icenga. If I have time in the next few days I'll try to add and configure it.

Unfortunately, I have to move on December 1st, and I've yet to find a place to move to. That takes first priority (although I could always participate from various open wifi spots :-| )

And your Wiki start is nice - much nicer than the blank page I've got going for clustering. Maybe in a few weeks.

. . . . life takes priority so only a penny's worth this time.

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