
> > > What should happen when catalina.out is deleted? Please, I need to
> > > resolve this question.
> > So far as I know it's just a logfile and all that happens is that you
> > lost the log output.  The file should be created on the next start of
> > the server.
> Even when the server is running and the file is deleted? Thank you.

If you are running on linux (which I suppose is true, if you are calling
gzip catalina.out), the file was not actually deleted.
The tomcat process opened that file and kept it open.
Gzip read the file, and *unlinked* it, which is actually a delete if and
only if there is no other link.
However, as tomcat still has an active file handle, there is.

So tomcat keeps logging into a file that is not accessible as "catalina.out"
any more.
As long as tomcat is running, you can (at least as root) access that file
1. Find the process id of the process writing the log (tomcat)
2. List /proc/<id>/fd to see which file handle it is (usually 1 and 2 for
3. Copy the log using the file handle.

For example from my server:

root@www:~# rm /isp/logs/tomcat/catalina.out

root@www:~# pgrep java

root@www:~# ls -al /proc/4690/fd | grep catalina.out
l-wx------ 1 root root 64 2012-11-29 19:17 1 ->
/isp/logs/tomcat/catalina.out (deleted)
l-wx------ 1 root root 64 2012-11-29 19:17 2 ->
/isp/logs/tomcat/catalina.out (deleted)

root@www:~# copy /proc/4690/fd/1 /root/logsaved

WARNING: As soon as you restart tomcat, the last reference to the unlinked
file will be gone and linux will remove the file for good.


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