With a RSA key you can nominally use the "RSA" and "DHE_RSA" cipher suite. But 
if the server certificate has a Key Usage 
extension which does not include the "keyEncipherment" flag, then you are 
nominally limited to "DHE_RSA".
With a DSA key you can use only a "DHE_DSS" cipher suite.
With a Diffie-Hellman key, you can use only one of "DH_RSA" or "DH_DSS", 
depending on the issuing certificate authority key type.
 your witness


 > From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: Restricting ciphers
> Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 22:35:05 -0500
> its a simple question what does ciphers parameter in Connector have anything 
> to do with the supported ciphers from the key itself the 2 are disconnected
> please dont waste my time and anyone elses with insults when you are unable 
> to answer this simple question
> Martin Gainty 
> ___________________________________________ When Free Speech and Discovery 
> are replaced by Confusion and Obfuscation its time to move > Date: Thu, 10 
> Jan 2013 18:25:02 -0500
> > From:
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Restricting ciphers
> > 
> > Hash: SHA256
> > 
> > Martin,
> > 
> > Honestly, I'm not sure why I'm feeding the troll at this point. Maybe
> > I'm trying to atone for some horrible crime I can't remember.
> > 
> > On 1/10/13 10:05 AM, Martin Gainty wrote:
> > > terminology :
> > 
> > Nobody was arguing about terminology. Next time, just refer to
> > Wikipedia like everyone else.
> > 
> > > All you don't know is whether those certificate & private key are
> > > RSA or DSA algorithms
> > 
> > It doesn't matter: you can use RSA (like everyone does) or DSA and
> > that will only determine the type of key you have. The cipher can (and
> > will, since SSL/TLS encryption is symmetric and not PK) use a
> > different algorithm for encryption.
> > 
> > > you see if it's an RSA or DSA key (along with the key size).
> > 
> > Again, key size is only relevant for people who think that bigger is
> > better. You can create a 16k key and it won't be much more secure than
> > an 8k key. Stronger crypto, yes, but nobody tries to guess SSL keys:
> > they use compression (e.g. CRIME) and other nasty tricks so they don't
> > have to do the hard work of key-cracking.
> > 
> > > cipherGroup is categorised by keysize within cipher-groups (usually
> > > a 4digit number which is a power  of 2 e.g. 1024 and 2048)
> > 
> > Sorry, ciphers and keys are not interchangeable: keys usually have 1k,
> > 2k, 4k, etc. bits in them while symmetric ciphers usually max out at
> > 256-bit key sizes. Try running some of the commands you are grabbing
> > off the web to see what I'm talking about.
> > 
> > I've never heard the term "cipherGroup".
> > 
> > > ECB, CBC and PCBC are the usual choices for the optional 
> > > ModeOfOperation parameter Determining the ALGO-CIPHER supported by 
> > > your key so we can see that public keys contain a algorithm-cipher 
> > > combination but how to determine the algo-cipher supported by your 
> > > key:
> > 
> > Sorry, your key can support (essentially) arbitrary ciphers. Your key
> > type has no bearing on whether or not ECB, CBC, etc. can be used.
> > 
> > > keytool -list -v -keystore fubar.pfx -storetype PKCS12 Here is
> > > output: Certificate fingerprints: MD5:           SHA1:
> > > Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA Providers (SUN, SunJCE,
> > > SunJSSE,SunRsaSign, IBMJSSE, bcprov-jdkNN-MMM) Lets stick with
> > > SunJSSE as our provider supported ciphers will be those ciphers
> > > which match SHA1 with RSA from this list:
> > 
> > Wrong again: the signature algorithm used to fingerprint your own key
> > has no bearing on the message digests usable for your ciphers.
> > 
> > > so what you are asking Tomcat Connector to do is
> > > 
> > > 1)export contents of supplied keystoreFile key of keystoreType 
> > > PKCS12
> > > 
> > > 2)determine Signature algorithm name
> > > 
> > > 3)aggregate cipherSuite by determining Signature specific
> > > supported ciphers from Signature algorithm name from 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > 
> > 4)reference ciphers attribute from Tomcat <Connector
> > > 
> > > 5)determine SignatureSpecificSupportedCiphers from 3) and
> > > implement ONLY those ciphers which match exactly to the ciphers
> > > listed in Tomcat Connector 5)
> > 
> > None of the previous 5 items is accurate.
> > 
> > > (i have not seen this currently implemented)
> > 
> > That's because Tomcat does something else. Actually, JSSE does all the
> > heavy-lifting: Tomcat just configures the TrustStore and a few other
> > things and then lets JSSE take over. Or OpenSSL if you're using
> > APR/native.
> > 
> > Now, if you've had enough, kindly stop confusing people.
> > 
> > - -chris
> > Version: GnuPG/MacGPG2 v2.0.17 (Darwin)
> > Comment: GPGTools -
> > Comment: Using GnuPG with undefined -
> > 
> > iEYEAREIAAYFAlDvTc4ACgkQ9CaO5/Lv0PC70gCgqL83yS3LxAqhS+eAFi1StwPU
> > J5kAoMPWqUx/qnoB8gBla4gkRSWbpswO
> > =W6U2
> > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
> > 
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